Barack Hussein Obama (b. August 4, 1961) is the junior Senator from Illinois, elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat in 2004. Obama is currently the only African AmericanUnited States Senate, where he serves his first term. Obama has been accused of falsely calling himself a constitutional law professor, though there are documents to back up his statement. [1][2][3] serving in the
Barack Obama is often praised for his speeches, except when he is not able to read them from a teleprompter. "Shorn of his Teleprompter, we saw a different Obama. His delivery was halting and unsure. ... The prepared text for his remarks, as released on his website, sounded a lot like a typical Obama speech. ... [But with] no Teleprompter signaling the prepared text, Obama failed to deliver the speech in his characteristically flawless fashion."[13]
On Hillary Clinton -- this was one of the kinder, gentler passages:
During the 1970s and '80s, the Clintons invested in the Whitewater Development Corporationprosecutions and convictions. Jim and Susan McDougal, and then-Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker were convicted of multiple counts of financial fraud, even though President Clinton testified for four hours for the defense.[46] which later became the subject of a federal investigation. Read on...
Conservatives suck at satire and are rarely funny on purpose, but I think Conservapedia struck comedy gold. Using sources such as Charles Krauthammer, Brent Bozell and World Net Daily, they couldn't help but create a belly-laugher of a website and plenty of red meat for the frothing fringe that now dominates the Republican base. It's going to be a long year...