In fairness to Tweety, I don't know if it is he who comes up with these Meter Questions asked of his panel of 12 regular talking heads. But even as others note Barack Obama's speech as the turning point of the campaign as a step towards post-race politics (and look at the overwhelming numbers of the pundits questioned), it's still all about race for The Chris Matthews Show.
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It looks like Matthews is still working the Rev. Wright scandal, completely undone by the notion that the African-American experience could be so far removed from his own. And in that otherness, he hears hatred. Perhaps Chris should see this:
Funnily enough that doesn't sound nearly as hateful to me as the musings on the upcoming Armageddon by Rev. Hagee, whose endorsement McCain was after "like a dog in heat" for almost a year, and yet, Tweety has complete blinders on this kind of hate.