In case you hadn't heard, a Florida woman was killed in a freak accident Wednesday when a stingray jumped out of the water and into the boat she was riding, striking her in the face. Always the class act, TIME's Joe Klein said the following yesterday when talking about the suspension of a McCain's staffer for circulating a vile video about Barack Obama:
Transcript via HuffPo:
KLEIN: ...back in 1988, Dukakis staffers distributed a Biden tape, the tape where Biden was plagiarizing a British politician and they got fired. This is pretty much campaign business as usual. It's really stupid because as long as Rush Limbaugh lives and breathes on this planet, McCain doesn't have to do any dirty work. People like Limbaugh will do it for him. But I think maybe the operative metaphor here isn't drowning but the giant sting ray landing in Obama's boat.
CROSSTALK: Ooh. Oh, Joe.
KLEIN: Okay. Well...
CROSSTALK: Don't blame that one on me. Don't blame that one on me. I'm not going to go there, because someone did die from that.
Yea. He went there.