Senator John McCain made Tuesday's Worst Person in the World honors for mistakenly accusing Iran of training al Qaeda members then sending them back into Iraq for the THIRD time, and guess what? Grandpa McCain did it again today. Keith Olbermann breaks down the chain of errors on Wednesday's Countdown that appears to signal a pattern for the aging Senator.
Contrary to what McCain's campaign reported, the Senator did not correct himself, he was aided by his new BFF, Joe Lieberman. Keith talks with Newsweek's Jonathan Alter about McCain's multiple, identical gaffes and notes that he probably isn't that concerned about conflating Iran and al Qaeda as they're trying to give the false impression that everybody in Iraq is a bad guy to begin with. Alter doesn't see these gaffes as "senior moments," but I'm not so sure. If you watch the video, McCain looks lost and confused. As Blue Texan asks at FDL -- Is this the guy you want answering the phone at 3am, and can we really afford four more years of this kind of cluelessness? As David Letterman says; He's old.
Olbermann:"But he's saying all terrorists are al Qaeda, all extremists are al Qaeda. You're basically then offering the public two choices and neither of them seem to be very good for Mr. McCain, which is it's a senior moment, it's not Chris Farley it's Emily Litella. A two day long senior moment interrupted by a second or two of clarity or it's a conflation worthy of George Bush, which is to say, a bald faced lie about it."