Our Future: Conservatism, as we've known it since Ronald Reagan, is failing. Ground down in the desert of Iraq, drowned in the floods of Hurricane Katrina, foreclosed by the housing crisis and poisoned by toys imported from China. Even so, the class war continues, and my class is losing.
Jonathan Turley: Thank you Mr. President! China has embraced American values. They're defending their use of torture by citing the Bush torture program.
Beggars Can Be Choosers: Stocks plunge again as US moves closer to economic apocalypse
Pharyngula: Chris Hedges writes a book, wastes everyone's time.
Rising Hegemon: "My friends, it's all about me"
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Media hold McCain, Obama to different standards...Rebranding torture...What do you believe is the biggest threat facing our democracy? Some might say the appalling spread of false information...MSM looks at blogs...Play Pundit!...Journalist to be executed...Media won't take no for an answer...The propaganda machine Jack Welch built...LA Times owner looks to cash in on ballot proposition...