Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Friday he fears that al Qaeda or another extremist group might attempt spectacular attacks in Iraq to try to tilt the U.S. election against him.
McCain, at a town hall meeting in this Philadelphia suburb, was asked if he had concerns that anti-American militants in Iraq might ratchet up their activities in Iraq to try to increase casualties in September or October and tip the November election against him.
"Yes, I worry about it," McCain said. "And I know they pay attention because of the intercepts we have of their communications ... The hardest thing in warfare is to counter someone or a group of individuals who are willing to take their own lives in order to take others." Read on...
The GOP will use Iraq as propaganda regardless of the situation on the ground. If things are going well, they will tout a victory. If the tenuous lull in overall violence suddenly surges, McCain will tell us that we can't pull out now because it's just too dangerous, or as in this instance, accuse AQ of plotting to sway the election -- that's if the media bothers to cover Iraq at all.
We should be seeing a tape from bin Laden or his #2 by September or October, and McCain and the Republicans will use it in tee vee commercials and campaign speeches accusing the Democrats of loving the terrorists. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Osama, right?