As the Clinton and Obama camps become more and more entrenched against each other, it's clear that there is very little that those in the Obama camp would put past Hillary Clinton. Chris Matthews, on the other hand, offers to all but campaign for Hillary Clinton and flaunts his hate of Bill Clinton for all the world to see. There is clearly nothing that Bill Clinton is not capable of for Tweety, and even he even brings up Whitewater and all those other scandals--driven by Republicans that led to nothing, mind you--as proof. Watch how his panel of Gloria Borger, Patrick Healy, Ron Allen and Andrea Mitchell all dismiss the notion that Bill Clinton could be "horse trading" favors for superdelegate votes, but Matthews just isn't buying it:
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MATTHEWS: Let’s talk turkey. Let’s talk patronage. Let’s talk jobs. Let’s talk what Bill Clinton can very subtly provide in a back room. Bill Clinton sits down with a Philadelphia city committee, ward leaders—can’t he sit down with guys—superdelegates, men and women—and say “Look…” and talk turkey…
MATTHEWS: …In other words, jobs, favors later coming?
MITCHELL: You know who can? Two people in Pennsylvania, Eddie Rendell the Governor, Mike Nutter the Mayor.
MATTHEWS: On behalf of the President?
MITCHELL: Absolutely, on behalf of Hillary Clinton. They’ve endorsed her.
MATTHEWS: Can they go out and cherry pick 200 delegates by just offering things to people? I’m just asking.
HEALY: Nah, I think that’s really tough, because, I mean, this could blow up in their face in a way that would be exponentially worse…
MATTHEWS: What would happen?
BORGER: We’d find out about it.
HEALY: … If something comes out of Bill Clinton trying to horse trade on the telephone, you know, you know, with elected you know party officials or superdelegates, it could easily blow up in their face.