March 7, 2008

The awesome archives of C&L: Originally posted by Silent Patriot on 04/25/07.

Stewart and McCain got into a brawl in this segment…Do you think any of the talking heads would have this kind of debate with McCain? Check out the second half of the interview around the six minute mark for the fireworks to begin...

Stewart tries to explain a few things to St. McCain about fighting a civil war:

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"…but that assumes that we're fighting one enemy—they're fighting each other. We're not surrendering to an enemy that has defeated us. We're saying, how do you quell a civil war when it's not your country?"

McCain got very angry that Stewart called them out for using the " you're not supporting the troops," theme and was trying to filibuster the segment…He tried to use the troops as a wedge. Stewart got hot and fought back…McCain started to stutter. (rough transcript)

Stewart: When they say the talking point of "they'll follow us home,"---they're trying to follow us home whether we're in Iraq or not.

Stewart: All I'm saying is you cannot look a soldier in the eye and say questioning the president is less supportive to you than extending your tour for three months when you should be coming home to your family.

McCain: Every American..

Stewart: And that's not fair to put on people that criticize…

McCain: Jon…

Stewart: And you know I love you and respect your service and would never question any of that—this is not about questioning the troops and their ability to fight and their ability to be supported. And that is what the administration does and that is almost criminal.

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