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Over discussion on the barbs traded between Barack Obama and John McCain over al Qaeda in Iraq, host Joe Scarborough made an assertion that I believe is the foundation of the Republican party's election strategy to get past the fact that they have miserably failed on all levels.
OBAMA: I do know Al Qaeda's in Iraq, and that's why we should continue to strike Al Qaeda targets, but I have some news for John McCain. And that is that there was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq before George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq. They took their eye off the people who were responsible for 9/11 -- that would Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, which is stronger now than at anytime since 2001. I've been paying attention, John McCain.
GEIST: So are you ready for eight months of that argument?
SCARBOROUGH: Well, you know, it is an argument -- Mika's gonna disagree with me on this one -- but I would guarantee you, guarantee you, that while a lot of people in Manhattan and Georgetown and on college campuses are worried about what happened in 2002 and the lead up to the war, Americans are concerned about what's happening now.
I can see how Scarborough arrives at that little factoid:
Every passing day brings more evidence no one cares about this dumb issue; for instance, this NY Times/CBS poll released yesterday (pdf):
58. How important do you think it is right now for members of Congress to question the Bush Administration about the way the intelligence was used in order to make the case for going to war inIraq-- do you think it is very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all?
56% Very
24% Somewhat
9% Not too
9% Not at allYou see? An overwhelming 18% majority of the population think this should be ignored, while a tiny 80% minority disagree.
Let's just hope that 80% minority doesn't unduly affect the election, right, Joe?