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Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee explains to Weekend Update anchor Seth Meyers why he's still in the race.
MEYERS: So, Governor, you remain in the race, despite the fact that it’s a mathematical impossibility that you can win. And our question is: why?
HUCKABEE: Well, Seth, the media loves to throw around the term “mathematical impossibility” but no one can ever explain exactly what that means to me.
MEYERS: Well, let me give that a shot: basically, it takes 1,191 delegates to clinch your party’s nomination and even if you won every remaining unpledged delegate, you would still fall 200 delegates short.
HUCKABEE: Wow. Seth, that was an excellent explanation. But I’m afraid that you overlook the all-important Super Delegates. Don’t forget about them.
MEYERS: Well, I won’t forget about them, but the Super Delegates are only in the Democratic primaries.
HUCKABEE: Ah…they can vote in the Republican primary?
MEYERS: They cannot.
HUCKABEE: Uh oh. That’s not good news. You know, Seth, I was …I was counting on those Super Delegates.
MEYERS: Sorry to break that to you. Now does this mean that now you know that, you’re going to drop out of the race?
HUCKABEE: Well, fortunately, Seth, I’m not a math guy. I’m more of a miracle guy. So at this point, I’m going to focus on the miracle part. But if that miracle doesn’t happen, let me assure the American people that Mike Huckabee does not overstay his welcome. When it’s time for me to go, I’ll know. And I’ll exit out with class and grace.