This is so unbelievably terrible that words escape me -- so I'll let our friend TRex break it down for you;
It’s intended, I guess, as a response to the Will.I.Am/Obama video and its target is Hillary and it’s supposed to be funny, I guess. No, no, funny-ha-ha. At least, I think it is. I have posted the YouTube above even though I couldn’t get through the whole thing without starting to retch uncontrollably. They should market Michelle’s musical stylings as an alternative to Ipecac syrup, seriously.
Listen, Michelle, you sad, pathetic shrew, leave comedy and music to professionals like me and other creative people on the Left. We own you guys on this stuff. Conservatives are just not creative people. You people spend your lives like baby birds; heads back, mouths gaping, passively awaiting the next set of talking points and marching orders from your corporate and political masters. This is not how art is made, even satirical art. To create something moving, or funny, or even engagingly nasty (a specialty of my own) requires a certain amount of soul, of individuality, of spark. Read on...