Bush and Laura were on the TODAY Show and interviewed by a fawning Ann Curry yesterday in Africa that I didn't get a chance to post. When she asked George just how bad Americans feel over the economy, Bush gave us this insanity:
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Bush: ...and I'm convinced fifty years from now people will look back and say, Thank God there were those that were willing to sacrifice.
Curry: But you're saying you're going to have to carry that burden. Some Americans believe that they feel they’re carrying the burden because of this economy.
Bush: Yeah, well…
Curry: They say we’re suffering because of this.
Bush: I don’t agree with that.
Curry: You don’t agree with that? It has nothing do with the economy, the war, the spending on the war?
Bush: I don’t think so. I think actually the spending in the war might help with jobs.
Curry: Oh, yeah?
Bush: Yeah, because we’re buying equipment, and people are working. I think this economy is down because we built too many houses (Curry: hmmmmm) and the economy is adjusting. On the other hand we're just about to kick out 157 billion dollars to our taxpayers......what would have been had we abandoned Iraq when times were tough and let those soldiers die in vain..
How ignorant can this man act on teevee about important issues. Curry had praised Bush a few seconds earlier for his "doing God's work," because of his work in Africa. And he feels so awful about the war in Iraq. Here's a follow up question Curry could have asked. "Were you doing God's work when you invaded Iraq under false pretenses?
Our troops were ordered to go to Iraq. They weren't asked if they wanted to go. What's worse is to have ordered them there in the first place and then after years of chaos, still let them die in vain. How about including all the innocent Iraqis that have fallen. He never does seem to mention them, does he?
Now, about his reasoning for our economic woes. War spending does create a certain number of jobs, but...sorry....I--can't--respond--to that drivel. You know I never curse on the site, but was I ever close. What about the predatory mortgage lending practices? What about the record number of foreclosures? We built too many damn houses is your response?