February 16, 2008

The Bozell crowd chirp in on our pals at Media Matters while discussing their anti-Clinton book. Yea, another untold story about ---wait for it---are you waiting?--- “Whitewash: What the Media Won't Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will.

OMG, get over it already. Millions of dollars wasted for nothing....

It sure sounds like the little red beard certainly is jealous of MM, wouldn't you agree? Anyway...MM, like C&L takes a look at "conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time" in the mainstream media. Bozell whines a good game but really has nothing to say when it comes to smearing MM. Let's ask Brent about the role Rush Limbaugh plays in his MRC organization? Wow, and he just happens to defend him in the clip. Eric has a great piece up called: "Poetic Justice: Limbaugh tries to tear GOP apart"

icon Download icon Download (h/t Heather 1-10-08)

Brent Bozell: Uh, one more question.

Male Speaker: what role do you think Media Matters plays in the whitewash process as it relates to the Clinton machine?

Tim Graham (Co-author): Well, it's too new to be - you know. Most of this book is pre-2004. Uh, they're obviously now playing a really important role. We kind of giggle when we read some of their reports, where Media Matters...we're not in tight with the Clintons but they write articles about how people are criticizing her colored pant suits, you know? Or somebody finds her screechy. How dare somebody find her screechy? Well, don't they listen to her on television? Uh, so they are so exquisitely sensitive that - there's a Princess and the Pea level of sensitivity on Hillary Clinton. Uh, you know, frankly we find it amusing. We just enjoy reading it.

Bozell: Well, and add to that Hillary Clinton goes to Daily Kos' convention taking credit for the creation of of Media Matters, so there's just that little itty bitty bit of information to pass on. Are they playing a role in this campaign? I don't know if they've played a major role so far in the presidential campaign. Don Imus will say they have a role to play; they cost him his job. They tried going after Rush Limbaugh unsuccessfully and unfairly, and they're still being dishonest about it. Unequivocally I say that. Um, so they haven't been successful there. I haven't seen a real impact that they've had on this campaign so far.

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