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Ah...the true face of Republican party in all its ugly, racist and bigoted glory. And most surprisingly, Ann Coulter is the mildest of the haters. The Coultergeist takes the bronze for repeatedly referring to Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama as B. Hussein Obama on Hannity & Colmes, furthering both the bigotry against Muslims (that appears to be FOX's stock in trade) and suspicion of the UCC-attending Obama because of the Muslim background of family members. For the record, Coulter was back on MSNBC the next day doing the same thing and is scheduled to be on Hardball on June 26, almost a year to the date of her calling Nobel Peace Prize winning Al Gore "a total fag." My question to MSNBC's producers: WHY???
The silver goes to Laura Ingraham for her sneering and racist comments on Al Sharpton's visit to the White House:
INGRAHAM: Oh, did anyone see President Bush at the White House? This was interesting: He was celebrating African-American History Month, and he made that comment, saying, you know, "People shouldn't play around or -- with nooses," and that was clearly a reference to, you know, all the problem that, you know, appearance of nooses has caused in this country. And he talked about that. And then, he welcomed Al Sharpton to the White House. I hope they nailed down all the valuables.
And finally, the winner of the bigot race is none other than radio talk show host Tom Sullivan who likened Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the heart and twisted blackened soul of the Republican noise machine.