Brookings Institute Warmonger Michael O'Hanlon gives Barack and Hillary failing grades on Iraq. That's the good news.
“I’m troubled about what they both say about Iraq. He’s the one who wants to get out very fast, unconditionally, and to some extent, he’s pulled her along,” Mr. O’Hanlon said. […]
“Still, if you add up all of their differences, they both fail on Iraq. They both would get out very fast. They both are advocating a policy that unless significantly modified would lead to a reversal of our military progress in 2007,” he said.
Any supposed lefty (yes, even a hawk) should never write an article for the Moonie Times. Shows you how desperate these types are.
O'Hanlon's next Friedman Unit for Iraq, which has changed three times since last March, currently month! So why is any timetable for an end to a failed operation in a war based on lies unacceptable to these people? Don't answer that.