February 2, 2008

The neocon warmonger speaks. With Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton locked in a very good battle leading up to Super Tuesday, Kristol makes this misogynistic quote:

BILL KRISTOL: Look the only people for Hillary Clinton are the Democratic establishment and white women... it would be crazy for the Democratic party to follow the establishment that's led them to defeat year after year... White Women are a problem - but, you know... we all live with that...

[Hume, Williams, Wallace, Liaison crack up]

JUAN WILLIAMS: not me...

HUME: For the record, I like white women.

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I'd say white women have a problem with you now, Mr. Kristol. I've heard in a just a few other places that the Latino vote is a very important constituency out west that both candidates are vying for, but for some reason William the Bloody refuses to acknowledge them. I wonder why? Are you still happy NY Times?

Dave Manatt from Politics TV says:

Where to begin? I'm no paleo-feminist -- and the attacks on Obama and Kennedy by NOW et. al. have only re-enforced every stereotype about them - but this FOX moment is just solid sexism at its worst.

Then the panelists - Williams... One of the panel "liberals", who of course infamously has faced sexual harassment charges in the 90s while working at the Washington Post. The other "liberal" on the panel and only woman, Mara Laison said... nothing. Hey NOW -- how about going after her???

Finally, there is the matter of accuracy. Kristol wants to perpetuate the myth of the "loser Democrats". Hmmm, Bill. Where were you in the 06 midterms? Looks like his neocon bunker mentality won't thaw until election day.

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