January 25, 2008

The untruths that were told by the some of the Republican candidates during the Florida debate was astounding to me. McCain might have been the worst offender, but I'd like to know where the heck Tim Russert was? Oh, that's right---it was a Republican debate. Never mind, He can't be bothered with follow ups. He's only confrontational in Democratic debates.

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McCain: “I know of no military leader, including General Petraeus, who says we can’t sustain our effort in Iraq.”

Larry Johnson:

Well, maybe Senator McCain was taking a nap last month, but Army Chief of Staff, General Casey disagrees. The Christian Science Monitor’s Gordon Lubold reported the following last Christmas Eve:

“We’re deploying at unsustainable rates,” General Casey said three weeks ago during remarks to an audience at the Brookings Institution in Washington. The Army agreed to a buildup of troops a year ago with the understanding that it was temporary, he said. “We can’t sustain that. We have to come off of that, and we’re working that very hard.


During the debate, moderator Tim Russert quoted McCain claiming not to be an expert on the economy and McCain responded, “I don’t know where you got that quote from.” Today, McCain explained that he was actually speaking in general terms.

And we believe you Sen. McCain. Keith Olberman and our pal, Sam Seder try to dissect some of this...Here's a transcript of the debate...

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