Dan Abrams and even The Scar were offended by John Gibson's mocking of Heath Ledger's death by right wingers. Will O'Reilly read off a few comments made on message boards about Ledger to his audience? You knew some wingnuts would try to play the homophobia card on Ledger because of his role in Brokeback Mountain. Simply amazing. Well, not really...
Abrams: Download
Download The Scar:
John Gibson responds via Think Progress to the outcry from his stupidity by "saying that it was just “a little Brokeback Mountain joke” and there is “no point in passing up a good joke.”
UPDATE: GLAAD has started a petition asking Fox News “why they continue to provide a platform for John Gibson’s cruel and tasteless comments.”
UPDATE II: Perez Hilton identifies a list of Fox News’ current advertisers.