Game on----It looks like the Republicans will be trying to force Harry Reid to capitulate on the FISA fight very soon. We need real leadership from the Democratic Party presidential candidates. Here's Glenn Greenwald:
It will be increasingly difficult to listen to Edwards, Obama and Clinton tout their supreme leadership attributes and their commitment to "changing the way Washington works" if they choose to sit by, more or less mute, and allow such a blatant and corrupt evisceration of the rule of law -- and such a vast and permanent expansion of the limitless surveillance state -- to occur without a fight. Any one of them, or all three, has a unique opportunity to actually demonstrate with actions, rather than pretty speeches, their commitment to the principles they claim to espouse...
Jane invites John Edwards to the dance:
John Edwards is the perfect person to lead with this message. Such an action would illustrate his genuine commitment to change and fighting vested interests in Washington, and hopefully it will channel that intense anti-immunity passion toward his campaign. He won't be able to participate in the filibuster himself, but by offering to leave the campaign trail and go back to DC with Clinton and Obama he'll be able to show leadership in challenging all Democrats to put thoughts of personal gain aside and join together in the fight to save the constitution. (email
John Edwards has a great opportunity here to show some leadership qualities and fight the corporate lobbyists and lawbreakers that he actively campaigns against. What say you? Obama has said he'll back a filibuster of any bill containing telecom immunity. Hillary also said she would support one as well because of her mistrust of the Bush administration. Who could blame her?