It's no secret that the village elders love John McCain. Tweety actually got honest once and told us how much the media simply adores him and called them "McCain's base":
"Every time I look at a poll. And I expect McCain to win everyone of these polls. The press loves McCain. We’re his base I think sometimes.".–Chris Matthews. The Chris Matthews Show 09/09/06
Greenwald wrote about a short interview CNN aired between John King and St. McCain on The Straight Talk Express and was shocked because it was in my own words: "drivel" Why should we get any new information about McCain during his run for president, right? Isn't that what CNN is supposed to do? Was it out of line for Glenn to call for a little reporting by Mr. King? Apparently so. As is par for the course, many journalists have a hard time with criticism from the dirty f*&king hippies and King was no different.
From: King, John C
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:40 PM
Subject: excuse me?
I don't read biased uninformed drivel so I'm a little late to the game
But a friend who understands how my business works and knows a little something about my 20 plus years in it sent me the link to your on
If you don't read drivel. Mr. King---maybe you could make sure we don't have to see it either, deal? Shorter version: Don't mess with my accessibility!
You see, it's Glenn's fault that CNN edited the very serious John King's piece down until it was useless drivel. How dare Greenwald not contact King and find out why it was such a useless piece of drivel. After all, he's a high caliber journalist with over twenty years of experience and would never willing offer up the kind of drivel that had been aired on The Situation Room that day. And he wonders why we complain....
Jane Hamsher's headline was pretty funny: John King: “If Loving John McCain Is Wrong, I Don’t Wanna Be Right!”
Memo to King: your beef should be with CNN, not Greenwald. In the meantime, instead of being St. McCain's lap dog, why not start practicing some, you know, actual journalism?