Clark Hoyt, the public NY Times said that Bill Kristol should never have been given a job because he wanted to prosecute the NY Times for running the
January 13, 2008

Clark Hoyt, the public NY Times said that Bill Kristol should never have been given a job because he wanted to prosecute the NY Times for running the "bank data mining" story. Here's Hoyt:

Publication of the article was controversial — my predecessor as public editor first supported it and then changed his mind — but Kristol’s leap to prosecution smacked of intimidation and disregard for both the First Amendment and the role of a free press in monitoring a government that has a long history of throwing the cloak of national security and classification over its activities. This is not a person I would have rewarded with a regular spot in front of arguably the most elite audience in the nation.

One would think that journalistic ethics should count for something. If you're a warmongering conservative---those rules need not apply. (h/t Jason)

UPDATE: Think Progress says that: "New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt writes today that Kristol “refused to talk” to him about his comments or the controversy over his hiring, which Hoyt calls “an odd stance for someone who presumably will want others to talk to him for his column.”

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