January 13, 2008

During the Power Ranking segment on Monday's Hardball, Chris Matthews decided to snub Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, choosing instead to insert the floundering Rudy Giuliani into the list. Not one word about Edwards, but Tweety believes that Rudy is still in the hunt for the GOP nod, giving him the last slot in the rankings.

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Surprisingly, (or not) Matthews had just shown poll numbers from Nevada showing a virtual three way tie among Democrats, but apparently that, being right on the important issues of the day and having a solid primary season thus far, wasn't enough to propel Edwards over Rudy -- who is going broke, plummeting in the polls and is throwing everything he's got into the Florida race to try and save his joke of a campaign. There's a real power player if I've ever seen one.

In other news involving buried candidates, a judge has ruled that Rep. Dennis Kucinich must be included in tomorrow's Democratic debate on MSNBC.

UPDATE: Phoenix Woman at Firedoglake has some other polling numbers that no one is talking about either.

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