Via Reuters:
Ask corporate lobbyists which presidential contender is most feared by their clients and the answer is almost always the same -- Democrat John Edwards.
The former North Carolina senator's chosen profession alone raises the hackles of business people. Before entering politics, he made a fortune as a trial lawyer.
Open attacks on the business elite are seldom heard from mainstream White House candidates in America, despite skyrocketing CEO pay, rising income inequality, and a torrent of scandals in corporate boardrooms and on Wall Street. Read on...
Edwards' message and union support has resonated with a large segment of America, but unfortunately, as with other candidates, he's only getting a fraction of the press coverage of Obama and Clinton. Rudy Giuliani, who was little more than a side note in Iowa and New Hampshire, is going broke and suffering from plunging poll numbers, is still getting press as though he's a legitimate candidate -- while Edwards, who has faired well so far this primary season, often goes unmentioned.