[media id=3874] [media id=3875] (h/t Heather) The scandals never stop for the Bush administration, do they? For Thursday's edition of Bushed! we ha
January 10, 2008

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The scandals never stop for the Bush administration, do they? For Thursday's edition of Bushed! we have the news that former Attorney General John Ashcroft received a windfall $29-52M no-bid contract from US Attorney Christopher Christie to monitor an out of court settlement with a medical supply company.

Then there is the news that former CIA official Jose Rodriguez has told Congress that he will testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee about the destruction of the tapes depicting waterboarding ...but only if he receives immunity.

And finally, there is the news we reported yesterday that the FBI lost some of their wiretaps because they didn't pay their bills. Keith's scorn is not for the FBI's inability to balance their checkbook, but for the telecoms themselves:

Seriously? The telecom giants will break the law, violate the Constitution, help anybody spy on you for any reason, ignore their consciences, ignore their other responsibilities as citizens, but if they don’t get their money, the wiretaps stop?!?! And there’s the saving grace to capitalism.

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