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Wow, the wheels have really come off Pravda FOX Propaganda Machine when you have Frankie "The Hair" Luntz on telling the FOX audience that his focus group wants change and they want Democrats.
Watch Sean Hannity desperately try to spin this as a failure on the part of the Republicans for being too much like Democrats and not embracing the Republican platform more:
SH: To some extent, Republicans, I guess brought a lot of this on themselves when they abandon some of their principles. They still haven't built that border fence, they've been spending much more money than they've been taking in. They have been seen as "Democrat-lite" for a long time. Is there any indication at all that they have gotten the message that they need to go back to the conservative roots?
FL: Bluntly, no. And this is why I've said on this show, to you and to Alan, that the Democrats have an advantage in the fall. Because those key independents-people who make up the difference-right now, they've shifted over and they're looking at the Democratic candidates more than the Republican candidates.
SH: But that's interesting. Are they going to vote because they want their taxes up? Will they they really want "retreat, defeat" in Iraq? Do they really want nationalized health care? Do they really believe the government's capable of providing that? Are they answering those questions?
FL: What they really want is accountability and they don't think they get that from the Republicans.