Marvin Nicholson has a very different take then BillO who said it didn't get "physical" at all. He just gently moved a towering man away from the camera with his super falafel powers.
Nicholson: After he shoved me and after he stopped yelling at me, I went... I just went over and asked, I said, sir, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't shove me anymore.
Download (h/t Heather)
Not that I'm a fan of the Secret Service when they act like goons for BushCo, but they differ with BillO's account.
Secret Service agents, who were nearby, flanked O'Reilly after he pushed Nicholson. They told O'Reilly he needed to calm down and get behind the fence-like barricade that contained the press.
SO BillO thinks he's above the rest of the press corps and caused a violent incident. FOX calls Marvin ---Obama's body guy. The guy that is always beside Barack Obama. Is Bill O'Reilly going to be stalking any of the Republican candidates today?
UPDATED: The Huffington Post has a few photos of BillO.