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Broadcasting from Iowa Wednesday morning on Morning Joe, guest hosts David Shuster and Mika Brzezinski rightfully gave The Scar a hard time about abandoning all journalistic standards by getting up on stage and jamming with Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, at one of his political rallies.
Joe has been steadfastly toeing the GOP line lately, and while it comes as no surprise he would support another evangelical Republican, (with a LOT of skeletons in his closet) it is a prime example of the demise of a free and separate press in America. Remember Scooter Libby's BGFF Judith Miller, or NBC's David Gregory getting jiggy with former White House aide, Karl Rove? The closer members of the press get to politicians, the more difficult it is for them to remain objective. I realize that Joe is a former member of Congress, but he's pretending to be a journalist now -- is it too much to ask that he adhere to even the most basic standards of journalism?