William "the Bloody" Kristol gets rewarded with a gig by the NY Times for being a neocon---warmongering---psycho. The MMSSSMMM RULES!
Check out C&L's awesome video archives to see the madness that is "Kristol"
Here's David Sirota's response via email:
This is really sick - especially when you consider it is happening at a time when the country is clearly moving more progressive, and there are so many good progressive columnists who have guest columned for the Times before (Ehrenreich, Katha Pollit, Tom Frank, etc.).
Either way - it is an absolute abomination from the standpoint of basic accountability. A pundit being factually wrong on almost everything he hung his hat on is rewarded by the largest newspaper in the world for his track record. If ever there was an example of the world of journalism literally thumbing its nose at basic accountability, this example of Bill Kristol falling up is it.
Well said, David!