December 23, 2007

(Looks like we're having some technical difficulties.)

Every family has their traditions and activities that really bring the holiday cheer. In my family, my kids love to decorate a gingerbread house and all kinds of cookies and sweets and watch all those Rankin/Bass Christmas specials (I like the one with the Heat Miser the best myself). Our big meal is always on Christmas Eve and usually a traditional Scandinavian meal to honor my husband's Danish heritage: roast goose, red cabbage and a lemon mousse-like dessert called citronfromage. The kids can pick one gift to open on Christmas Eve and then the rest come on Christmas day.

This year, my sister, her husband and their 1 year old daughter are here with us. They have a mixed-faith marriage and they're still trying to figure out what traditions they want to continue in their family.

So that's the theme of this open thread...tell us your holiday traditions.

Can you help us out?

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