(John Amato helped too)
Remember this from '06?
"I want Democrats to be back in the majority in Washington and elect a Democratic president in 2008. This man [Ned Lamont] and his supporters will frustrate and defeat our hopes of doing that." --07/06/06, Connecticut Primary Debate
There's a word we use to describe politicians that say one thing to get elected and then do something completely the opposite once they get their power on. Right, Joe? What's that word? You can say it....And it's not Scoop Jackson. which is two words...Here's a hint. The name of this blog is Crooks-&-?
Senator Joe Lieberman (U*-CT) got called out this afternoon on CNN's The Situation Room by John King. Even the traditional media has noticed there was something funny about what Lieberman said, trying in vain to woo democratic voters in Connecticut in the summer of '06, and reconciling that with his endorsement of a Republican today, John McCain for president in 2008. If you listened closely you could almost hear the air seeping out of his endorsement for McCain as the video rolled. Lieberman sputtered and spat out a rationalization but all it amounted to was that he hates what the democratic party has become. Harry Reid, are you listening yet?
Download (h/t Heather for the vids)
(via CNN) KING: Senator Lieberman, let me bring you into the conversation. I want to know how you came about the decision, a dramatic decision, an Independent Democrat as you call yourself, to endorse this Republican candidate for president.
Before you answer, I want you to listen to something you said in our own campaign just about 17 months ago. In July 2006, you were campaigning against a Democrat, Ned Lamont. Much of your party, as you well know, abandoned you in that primary. And you said this to Ned Lamont about the stakes in the 2008 presidential election.
KING: Why important now, Senator Lieberman, to elect a Republican President in 2008?
LIEBERMAN: Well, what I was saying in that is exactly the reason why I'm supporting John McCain today. Look, I'm from a tradition of the Democratic Party that goes back to harry Truman and Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, progressive on domestic policy, strong on foreign and defense policy. My opponent last year and the group around him represented an entirely different point of view, and I stood and fought them. And I said if they won the primary, I worried that they'd embolden and strengthen that element within the Democratic Party.
Sorry---Joe---that ain't cutting it...