December 16, 2007

UPDATED: We'll leave this post on top of the page for the time being.

FISA Retroactive immunity passes 76-10...Dodd is arguing against a 60 vote requirement needed to pass his amendment by Reid... Boxer gives a nice speech and she voted with Dodd against the bill. Here's the list:

Boxer - D/California, Brown - D/Ohio, Cantwell - D/Washington, Cardin - D/Maryland, Dodd - D/Connecticut, Feingold - D/Wisconsin, Harkin - D/Iowa, Kerry - D/Massachussetts, Menendez - D/New Jersey, Wyden - D/Oregon

UPDATE #2 As for the other Democratic presidential candidates, although they have all released statements that they support Dodd’s efforts, Obama’s and Clinton’s offices have given conflicting information as to whether their respective candidates will come to D.C. Biden is sadly one of the 76 who voted to proceed with the bill. Correction: Biden voted "present". My apology for the confusion.

DiFi introduced two amendments, one with limited immunity to telecoms. Kennedy is speaking now…

Here’s a flow chart that helps makes sense of the procedure.


We've asked you to come up with some suggestions for things that Senator Dodd could read on the Senate floor in his filibuster of the FISA/telecom immunity after Harry Reid's dirty dealings (and betrayal to his party).

You've all done a great job. Lots of you recommended that he read the Constitution, a document of which I think many in Washington must be reminded.

But now, in this fresh thread, I'm asking you to write a letter to Sen. Dodd. Tell him how you feel about his principled stand and what the erosions of our civil liberties has meant to you, especially with the compliance of Congress. Please keep them profanity-free, so that Senator Dodd can read them on the Senate floor and let's have our voices heard by these elected representatives who have forgotten that it is WE who are in charge and they work for us.

Can you help us out?

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