So many choices, so little time...On Friday's Countdown, Keith Olbermann awards the bronze to Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for flip-flopping on his faith-based "we're better than that" stance on illegal immigration to advocating mass deportation of undocumented workers in 120 days, nevermind the logistics required to do so. The silver prize goes to the perennial Bill O'Reilly, for turning a story of a shooting into proof positive of a illegal immigration problem with sanctuary cities.
And the well-deserved gold goes to Senator Mitch McConnell who--perhaps unwittingly--expressed the callousness for which the Republican party (and everyone else who enables the troops to stay in Iraq) feels about the troops they claim to support. Keith said it best:
Senator, you need to resign. And then you need to go look for a soul so you can get it implanted in your body.