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On Friday's Countdown, Keith Olbermann spoke with Georgetown Law professor, Neal Katyal, who successfully argued the Hamdan case before the Supreme Court about the CIA obstructing justice by destroying interrogation video tapes depicting torture. Keith brings up what are basically multiple levels of crimes at play here.
Katyal condemns Attorney General Michael Mukasey for not immediately putting out a Preservation Order to ensure that nothing else is destroyed in light of these revelations, as Ed Meese did during the Iran Contra scandal. Considering the Bush administration's habit of illegally destroying millions of e-mails and covering up or withholding other evidence and documents -- that should be the bare minimum.
(Nicole) Larry Johnson thinks that the revelation of the destroyed "Torture Tapes" may lead to even bigger problems for this administration:
I do not dispute the possibility of retaliation by Al Qaeda against an undercover officer. In fact, it happened to Valerie Plame Wilson, but her identity was exposed by the Bush Administration. Then there is the question of tradecraft. Did the CIA officers participating in the interrogation/torture sessions allow themselves to be filmed so that they could be easily identified? I am skeptical. When the truth comes out I think we are likely to discover the people doing the questioning were contractors, not undercover Agency officers.
So did these tapes depict CIA or a contractor like Blackwater? Hmmm....just who are we trying to protect here? The timing of these revelations strike me as interesting as well. The White House and their mouthpieces in the media are certainly trying to question the credibility of our intelligence agencies right now. How does this play into that?