November 29, 2007

Will Bunch thinks so:

A publication for photojournalists called Photo District News has been covering the heck out of the Bilal Hussein situation, and they ran a long and interesting piece last night entitled "The Man from Fallujah." Overall, it's a good read for anyone who's been following the story, but I found this piece of the saga especially troubling.

Did an anonymous blogger some 11,000 miles removed from the front lines stir up the probe of the imprisoned AP photographer?

Sure sounds like "Rusty" played a key role here in all of this:[..]

Last week, The Jawa Report said a military source e-mailed to thank the blog for helping in the case against Bilal Hussein. The source told the blog he was an investigator at Abu Ghraib prison who recognized Hussein (who was held there for a time) as the much-criticized AP photographer, and notified his superiors.

In an e-mail interview, the blogger known as Rusty (who refused to give any details identifying himself) told PDN why he initially thought Hussein's work was so suspicious. He said Hussein was producing photographs of two particular insurgent groups in Fallujah, the Army of Ansar al Sunnah and Tawid wal Jihad, or al-Qeada in Iraq.

"The groups, at the time, routinely murdered any one they believed to be a 'collaborater' or 'spy'. It was also when any foreigner they found they held hostage and then beheaded," the blogger wrote. "Yet Hussein was given free access."

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