November 27, 2007

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Oy. For reasons known only to them, Hannity & Colmes decided to feature this "rare" interview of internet gossip maven and Republican smear mouthpiece Matt Drudge did with SkyNews in the UK. Maybe it's because Drudge didn't cite FOXNews' oft-documented issues with accuracy when discussing the importance of getting information from varied sources. But then again, we all know the issues that the Eggman has with accuracy himself.

However, my irony meter redlined at this point:

Q: Big election next year. How big a role do you think the internet and websites will play in the way people make their decision of who to vote for?

DRUDGE: Well, it depends what the broadcast outlets do and don't do. Back in the last Clinton administration, during Lewinsky, for instance, which I had to break on the internet, because the other people wouldn't. If we're again faced with a corporations (sic) who don't want to report real news, the internet will play a very valuable role in the underground, catching real stories that are in spite. (sic)

Is that what you think you're doing, Drudge? REAL stories? Huh. I would have categorized it as hit-pieces-as-blind-items supplied to you as the useful tool of Republican operatives, but that's just me.

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