This morning's Chris Matthews Show rendered few surprises, but I couldn't let David Brooks off the hook on this one. No longer seen as a maverick to Democratic and Independent voters, McCain is now viewed as a pandering disappointment, but Brooks doesn't appear to have gotten the memo. David fawns all over McCain, giving him glowing reviews using the one issue that has been more repellent to Americans of all political stripes than any other -- his staunch support for George Bush and his surge in Iraq.
To believe that any demographic outside the hardcore, far right wing of the Republican party will vote for McCain in any significant numbers borders on delusional -- but what else can we expect from this guy?
Brooks: "...Independents actually do like him, Democrats actually do like him, which is helpful if you're going to run in a general election. And fourth, he passed a character test recently. When the Iraq war was in it's darkest days, chaos everywhere, he was for the surge when a lot of his competitors were sitting around, waiting for someone else to take the lead..."