November 21, 2007
CNN: Are you confident that nobody who supports you is involved in that push polling?

Romney: You've got to be kidding. Obviously the beneficiaries of push polling that attacks me is not me. Somebody else has obviously pushed that forward. I have no idea who it was you know it was a vicious attack on me. An un-American attack on me...I think it's the same kind of conspiracy theorists that you're raising that say we brought down the World Trade Centers ourselves and it turns everything on its head.It's a little silly I think...

OK, this answer by Romney is off the wall. Hmmmm....Makes you wonder though, doesn't it?

Several recipients of the calls, which raised questions about Romney's Mormon faith and military deferments, are prominent supporters of the former Massachusetts governor. ---Roth and Kramer are now the third members of Romney's Iowa campaign to have publicly acknowledged received the calls. Ralph Watts, a state representative in Iowa, who also backs the former governor, was one of the first people to come forward.

And yet, during subsequent press interviews, neither Roth nor Kramer disclosed the positions they held on Romney's team. In fact, as several other reporters have pointed out, both individuals drastically downplayed their campaign associations. And in an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, Roth took the opportunity to lash out against Sen. John McCain, the presidential candidate initially thought to be behind the calls.

Not disclosing that you're part of the campaign and then blasting John McCain is cause for one of those Drudge flashing red lights. The press has virtually done nothing in regards to reporting on his campaign other than pointing out his constant flip flopping so I wonder---will this get the ball rolling?

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