One of the luckiest things that ever happened to me at Reprise was when my counterpart at sister label Warner Bros thought Fleetwood Mac might be a
November 21, 2007

One of the luckiest things that ever happened to me at Reprise was when my counterpart at sister label Warner Bros thought Fleetwood Mac might be a little passe for the direction he was taking the label and offered Reprise the opportunity to release their live album, The Dance. I jumped at the chance-- and the record sold millions around the world, helping me pay bonuses to every single employee of our company. Because of that I also availed myself of the opportunity to get to know these incredible musicians, particularly the 3 living in L.A., Stevie, Mick and Lindsey. Lindsey Buckingham, while best known as one of the brilliant minds behind Fleetwood Mac, always really wanted to be respected for his solo career as well. His songs were always great and I always encouraged him to record them in his own unique style. This is one of the songs he released on Under the Skin which came out last year, "Someone's Gotta Change Your Mind."

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