Last week, after a classless supporter asked John McCain, “How do we beat the bitch?” the senator responded, “That’s an excellent question.” Within 48 hours of the exchange, McCain’s campaign was raising money (effectively) based on the “bitch” controversy.
This week, however, McCain wants to be Mr. Civility again.
"I think people want a respectful debate and a respectful discussion. And if they don’t, then obviously, I’m not the person to be their candidate,” McCain told reporters in response to questions about criticism of Clinton by Republican rivals Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney.
“Legitimate policy differences, those should be debated and discussed,” McCain said. “But I don’t think you should take shots at people….”
Right. Last week, McCain wants to raise campaign funds off a “beat the bitch” question, but this week he will only tolerate “respectful debate and a respectful discussion.”
A quick stroll down memory lane clearly shows otherwise. I get the sense most of the most of the media has forgotten how classless McCain really is.