Really, what an offensive statement Clinton made to the millions of American and Mexican workers who lost their jobs and saw their wages destroyed thanks to NAFTA - a deal pushed by the Clinton administration (for some more data on NAFTA, see this report from the Economic Policy Institute). You want to talk about showing how utterly out of touch you are, that's how you do it - you laugh and say you barely remember the debate over the very trade deal that is destroying America's middle class. And then after you stop laughing, you go to the Senate floor to vote to expand NAFTA, as Clinton says she's going to in the next few weeks.
David's been doing a lot of work looking at the issue of free trade. While I can't claim to understand it as well, I do think it's been clear that the "success" of free trade for American workers has been somewhat mixed (to be charitable). Rather than being distracted by media created controversies like hair cuts and laughs, I would very much like to see a progressive candidate look at making a strong stance at reforming our trade policies.