Poor James. He can't handle the TRUTH@! OK, that's played out, but you know what I mean.
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C&Ler Joe emailed this clip last night and it is pretty funny. Republican Senator and serial Global Warming denier---James Inhofe said that the mild mannered Anderson Cooper was calling him names and threatening him. Oh, my!
InHofe: I've been personally attacked by Anderson Cooper. It's taking place right now, even this week, calling me every kind of name---all kinds of threats. This is what you, you people say "why don't more members of the House and Senate tell the truth about climate change?" This is the reason. This is what we're subjected to. I have got a big family at home that has to watch all this.
Please, please, please tell the truth about Global Warming for once in your life, Senator.
COOPER: That was Senator James Inhofe. For the record, I never called the Senator any names at all or ever made any threats toward him. The idea that I would make threats toward him is simply bizarre. I, frankly, have no idea what he's talking about.
We did feature the senator and his position on climate change in our documentary. He thinks it's a hoax, but he declined to talk to us then. And he declined to talk to us for this program.
I don't think he has any idea what he said either. Remember this "bizarre" exchange between Inhofe and Barbara Boxer during Al Gore's testimony?
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Boxer: "You're not making the rules. You used to when you did this, you don't do this anymore. Elections have consequences"