November 7, 2007

So STFU you stupid libs, and get to reporting the GOOD news about George W. Bush. If it weren't for you dirty f*cking hippies reporting the truth, President Bush's approval ratings would be skyrocketing by now -- at least that's what FOXNews' John Gibson wants his fringe fans to believe. Note the source-free "published report" on homelessness and the "be good little Germans" tone to his writing.

So are doubts about all this good news the reason that Bush's disapproval numbers are so high? I don't think so. I think it is instead the tide of bad news turning to better or — dare I say it — good news isn't discussed in the media. Instead it's a constant drumbeat of things are bad, we're losing the war, you're going to lose your job and your house.
On yet another front, a published report today said that homelessness is virtually over. People may have crushing mortgages, but they have homes.

So all in all, the war is going in our favor. Proof of that is that Democrats have shut up about it. Bush has made sure you have a job, and this economy has insured you have a home.

I don't normally link to FOXNews' website, but this article is so absurd, and I did come down on Gibby for his lack of sources so I figured I would go ahead and link it just to be on the safe side. I would hate for anyone to think I could ever make up garbage like this. You can read the rest of the article and fact check said garbage................ here.

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