October 23, 2007

(guest blogged by BillW)

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Here's Bob Novak on Hannity & Colmes, interviewed by Ollie North and Alan Colmes, and by the number of lies he tells just in this interview (I lost count), it's a safe bet Joe Wilson was right.

North: Full disclosure here, unlike Valerie Plame, Bob, tell me, have you read her book?

Novak: Yes, I have.

North: And was she really, as she just said in that interview, pumping her book, was it really a very small circle of people who knew what her real job was?

Novak: Not at all. She was well known in many parts of the town that she worked for the CIA. She had not been a covert agent for some time. She wasn't really an agent ever, of course. She was covert at one time. The subtitle on the cover of the book is "My Life as a Spy." Of course she was never a spy....

The entire interview is Nofactula spewing complete BS. According to him: She was never a spy. ... Everybody knew she was in the CIA... Fitzgerald never found there was any crime... Novak never did anything wrong at all naming her in his column. ... Libby was innocent of leaking her identity. ... Joe and Valerie are just ultra-lefties critical of Bush. ... Valerie is just doing the TV circuit stretching the truth so she can sell more books. ... George H. W. Bush didn't ever call Joe Wilson "a true American hero"

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