From Group News Blog, (which incidentally is a terrific blog started by several of the late, great Steve Gilliard's regular commenters. The members of GNB kept Steve's blog going while he was hospitalized, and when he passed, they started their own, quote, "because if we didn't, Steve would totally kick our asses.")
We don't need any more heroes, no more white knights (pardon the phrase.) We need to change the party and we need to change the media. We need to run for party offices. Sunlight drives these people crazy. It galls them no end that they have to listen to all the Dirty F**king Hippies who post at Kos, and Atrios, and Firedoglake.
I really am much more concerned with the House seats and the Senate seats next year. The White House is just one job and a job that we seriously need to set limits on.
Open thread below, but also visit the GOP/FOX Debate Open Thread for that topic. Happy Sunday.