October 16, 2007

It's been a really bad week for Republican lawmakers and their staffers. First, Sen. Mitch McConnell's staff gets caught attacking a 12 year old boy and then lying about it, then video surfaced of an unhinged Trent Wisecup, Chief of Staff for Michigan Republican Joe Knollenberg, going bats*it crazy on a political activist from MoveOn.

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On Tuesday's Countdown Keith Olbermann talks with Air America Radio talk show host, Rachel Maddow about Wisecup and how that apoplectic video sums up the state of politics in America and how the right still thinks they can get away with branding anyone who opposes them un-American for doing so. Maddow points out that as Republicans find themselves on the wrong side of all the big issues they are giving up on trying to compete on a political level and instead choose to use these kinds of vile, personal attacks. And we see how that's working out for them...

UPDATE: (Nicole) Cenk from the TYT interviewed blogger activist Bruce Fealk about the incident, and Trent apparently hasn't let up. He commented on one of Bruce's blogs:

Has all of this just been a dress rehearsal for a political consulting job? Who is going to hire you? Granholm? Skinner? Peters?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I've worked in politics at the highest levels for a long time ... I don't think being an effective stalker of congressmen's wives and female congressional staffers is a good marketing point. You might want to set your sights on another profession ... maybe dog fighting or cock fighting. You'd fit right in with those kind of people.

Read between the lines of the media coverage you so proudly post up to your site ... you protested Mrs. Knollenberg at her home.

In the part of America where I come from, men stand up to bullies like you and say enough is enough.

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