October 6, 2007

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I admit that I don't watch The McLaughlin Group very much. The constant screaming over each other makes it hard for me to understand anyone's point and frankly, reminds me a little too much of dinners at my house when I was a teenager. But every once in a while, you'll get an unintended revelation that just proves once again, that our punditocracy are just bloomin' idiots.

In discussing that few Iowans appear to be warming up to Romney, largely because they have issues with his Mormonism, host John McLaughlin insists that Romney must make a speech à la John Kennedy that his faith will not influence his politics. However, Washington Times' Tony Blankley just thinks that Romney hasn't given Republicans a reason to vote for him. The funny exchange is at the end:

Blankley: He hasn't yet shown an ability, religion aside, to be a competitive candidate.

McLaughlin: Look Americans -- particularly Republicans like you [referring to Blankley] -- they love authoritarianism.

Blankley: I don't love authoritarianism. Even though I love you, John.

McLaughlin: Keep quiet now. They don't want a President. They want an imperialist.

That sums up the Republican party in a nutshell, dunnit?

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