Via TPM: (h/t BillW)
This is just too funny. The Log Cabin Republicans, a gay GOP group, is running a new ad in Iowa that seeks to undercut Mitt Romney's standing with social conservatives by praising his past record of doing battle with conservatives on social issues when he was governor of liberal Massachusetts.
The ad pretends to be praising Romney by highlighting Romney's record fighting on behalf of liberal issue positions against conservatives -- whose support, of course, he needs right now as he seeks to win Iowa and other states in the GOP Primary. To do this it uses quotes from his past ads and clips of him declaring his social liberalism during debates when he ran for Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994. Read more...
Here's Patrick Sammon of the Log Cabin Republicans on MSNBC talking about their attack on Mitt's Massachusetts Politics.
Download (thanks to Scarce for the video)
Poor Mitt just can't catch a break. This will do little to endear him to the hardcore, far-right evangelical base of his party, who are threatening to run a third party candidate if he, Rudy Giuliani or Freddy Hollywood win the Republican nomination.