Rush Limbaugh went on a childish tirade against David Shuster because he had the audacity to highlight Limbaugh's Chuck Hagel---Sen. Betrayus rant. He defends Marcia Blackburn (R-TN), who didn't defend him yesterday and then tried to claw his way out of another hole he dug for himself. And to top it off he calls himself, get this: A Battleship! I wonder how MJ Fox would characterize him? Thanks to his assault on MJ, he helped deliver the seat to Claire McCaskill. Rush does have a weird fascination with water.
C&Ler emailed this after listening to it.
David Schuster, (filling in for rightie mouthpiece, Tucker Carlson on MSNBC,) cornered Marcia Blackburn (R-TN) on Rush Limbuah's calling Sen. Chuck Hagel a traitor. He asked her to explain how she could not condemn Limbaugh when she was so vocal about the MoveOn ad that dominated the news last week.
Rush decided to repackage the segment in an effort to spin to his listeners that he's not really a hypocrite ... not really ... it's not the same's apples and oranges. Between Marcia's rationalization, and Rush's stammering through a pitiful self defense, it just sounds like two 5 years olds caught looking at each other naked. Limbaugh claims that people like Schuster lob these "bee bees" at his "battleship" all the time with no effect. Yet, he proceeds to dedicate an entire segment to trying to discredit Schuster with a flurry of desperate anecdotes.