Most of the recent national polls have shown widespread discontent with politicians in Washington. Both the White House and Congress are wildly unpopu
September 24, 2007

Most of the recent national polls have shown widespread discontent with politicians in Washington. Both the White House and Congress are wildly unpopular, leading a lot of conservatives to boast that the new Democratic congressional majority has already lost the electorate. After all, if Americans liked what they saw from the new Democratic Congress, the institution’s approval ratings wouldn’t be so dreadfully low.

As Republican talking points go, this might sound vaguely persuasive, if it weren’t completely wrong.

Public attitudes toward the two major political parties have not changed much in recent months. That’s good news for the Democratic Party, which moved into a superior image position when compared to the Republican Party more than a year ago. Americans not only continue to view the Democratic Party more favorably than the Republican Party in general terms, but they also choose the Democratic party as the preferred party for maintaining the nation’s economic prosperity. And, in a departure from recent history, Americans see the Democrats as the political party better able to protect the country from terrorism.

Eric Kleefeld has more.

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