This should put to rest any notion of fairness being used in the way the media treats Liberals and Conservatives. Here's Wolf on Late Edition from his interview with Mike Leavitt, the secretary of health and human services:
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BLITZER: ....Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who is a conservative, he's not a flaming liberal by any means, here's what he said in dealing with this issue. Because he's a firm supporter of the legislation on the Hill: "As far as the size of the package, it's important to understand that about half of the new money is needed just to keep the program running, and the rest goes to cover more low- income kids.
I'm flaming---you're flaming, we're all flaming liberals. My God, I was just sitting down in my "Impeach Cheney" cap on watching CNN, when when the hat caught fire. Is there a handy Guide Book for Liberals? What kind are you? Maybe a run-of-the-mill liberal that wants to go and hug a tree.
Blitzer would probably call Grover "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub," Norquist, a staunch conservative, which the public would perceive as a fiscally sound conservative that believes all the problems in the US are wrapped up in too many taxes and government intervention. So, of course, anyone who identifies with the Democratic Party and wants to end the occupation in Iraq would be considered "Flamers." This really typifies how the media views us and the presiding conventional wisdom among the Beltway class.